The legal titles interior architect, architect, garden and landscape architect, and urban planner may only be professionally used if you are registered as such in the architects' register. A registered architect has completed a recognized education and meets the professional experience requirements. All of this ensures that the legal titles function as a quality mark in practice. A legal title stands for craftsmanship, knowledge, and quality. You can use a legal title to distinguish yourself from designers who are not authorized to use that title. Increasingly, clients recognize the added value of these legal titles. For example, in architect selections, participation is often reserved for registered architects.
Registration in the architects' register is a must if you wish to work across the borders
Most countries have some form of professional regulation for the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning, and sometimes also for interior architecture. Based on your Dutch registration, you can occasionally and temporarily perform assignments within your discipline in any EU member state, EEA member states (European Economic Area: Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland), and in Switzerland. But also in many other countries, Dutch registration is highly regarded and can be a gateway to these markets."