
We want to act together, complement each other, strengthen each other and take initiative when we see the need or in case opportunities arise

The Register of Architects wants to play a connecting role within the educational and professional field of spatial design and towards clients, citizens, government and social partners. We are a small organization and cannot do it alone. We want to work together, complement each other, strengthen each other and take the initiative when we see the need or when opportunities arise. We explicitly take note of external developments and objectives of our stakeholders and join them from an independent position.

Stakeholders can expect us to operate independently and connect from our legal responsibility and to continue to develop. The Register of Architects is an inclusive organization. An organization that provides space for everyone and uses the power of diversity to together promote the craftsmanship of architects and thus improve our living environment.

The Register of Architects distinguishes the following stakeholders:

Stakeholders we address
All (potential) clients of architects and citizens as users of the built environment and landscape

Stakeholders we facilitate/regulate
Enrollees and future enrollees, educational institutions (universities, academies and colleges), providers of professional experience (PEP, BEP) and providers of training modules

Stakeholders we partner with
Organizations at home and abroad

Healthy living environment

We use the power of diversity to promote craftsmanship of spatial designers to improve our living environment