Foreign qualifications

Did you study abroad? There are various options to register

When you want to register in the architects' register based on foreign professional qualifications, four situations may apply to you:

1 — You have architectural professional qualifications from an EU member state, a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA: Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland), or Switzerland

2 — You have professional qualifications in interior architecture, garden and landscape architecture, or urban planning from an EU member state, a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA: Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland), or Switzerland

3 — You have professional qualifications from 'third countries', meaning not from EU member states, member states of the European Economic Area (EEA: Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland), and not from Switzerland

4 — You want to work temporarily or incidentally in the Netherlands and are established in another EU member state, a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA: Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland), or in Switzerland

Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications in Architecture from EU Member States, EEA Member States, or Switzerland

If you have professional qualifications in Architecture from EU member states, EEA member states, or Switzerland, than (automatic) recognition in The Netherlands is possible:

— If you have a qualification title in architecture, plus the corresponding additional certificate from the same country, as listed in Annex V or VI of Directive 2005/36/EC, you qualify for automatic recognition

— If you do not have the corresponding additional certificate, your qualification title can still be recognized, but you must first meet the Dutch professional traineeship before you can be registered

The principle of Automatic Recognition is based on Article 21 of EU-Directive 2005/36/EG, which concerns the recognition of professional qualifications. Under Annex V 5.7.1 (or Annex VI, for older diplomas) of the EU-Directive, you can see if your diploma qualifies for automatic recognition and what additional certificate may be required.

If your architecture diploma is not listed under Annex V 5.7.1 (or Annex VI), you do not qualify for automatic recognition, and you can apply for recognition of your foreign professional qualifications (based on the general system of the directive).

There are no costs associated with the processing of requests for automatic recognition.

Automatic recognition of your foreign qualifications *

*Fill out the form as completely as possible and follow the instructions carefully. Upon receipt of your request, you will receive an email confirmation, an explanation of the procedure, and further instructions.

Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications in Interior Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning from EU Member States, EEA Member States, or Switzerland

If you hold foreign qualifications in one of the other three disciplines, interior architecture, landscape architecture or urban planning, you can request recognition of your professional qualifications.

— If you have a valid qualification title in one of the other three disciplines, interior architecture, landscape architecture, or urban planning, plus an additional certificate from the same country indicating your professional authority in that country, your professional qualifications must generally be recognized. If there are significant differences compared to Dutch educational requirements, compensatory measures may be imposed (adjustment internship or test of competence), or recognition may be refused

— If you do not have the additional certificate, your qualification title can still be recognized, but you must first meet the Dutch Professional Traineeship before you can be registered

The principle of recognition is based on Article12 of EU-Directive 2005/36/EG which concerns the recognition of professional qualifications. This so-called 'general system' is further elaborated for the Netherlands in the General Law on the Recognition of EU Professional Qualifications.

There are costs associated with the processing of requests for recognition under the general system.

Apply here for recognition of your foreign professional qualifications*

*Fill out the form as completely as possible and follow the instructions carefully. Upon receipt of your request, you will receive an email confirmation, an explanation of the procedure, and further instructions.

Foreign Professional Qualifications from 'Third Countries' (Non-EU, EEA, or Switzerland)

If you hold foreign qualifications in interior architecture, architecture, landscape architecture, or urban planning from a 'third country' (not EU, EEA, or Switzerland), you can apply for recognition of your foreign professional qualifications.

— If you have a valid qualification title in interior architecture, architecture, landscape architecture, or urban planning, plus an additional certificate from the same country indicating your professional authority in that country, your professional qualifications must generally be recognized, provided that the qualification title meets the legal minimum educational requirements

— If you do not have the additional certificate, your qualification title can still be recognized, but you must first meet the Dutch Professional Traineeship before you can be registered

The principle of recognition of professional qualifications is based on Articles 9 to 12 and Article 12c of the Wet op de architectentitel. (only Dutch)

There are costs associated with the processing of requests for recognition of professional qualifications from 'third countries'.

Apply here for recognition of your foreign professional qualifications*

*Fill out the form as completely as possible and follow the instructions carefully. Upon receipt of your request, you will receive an email confirmation, an explanation of the procedure, and further instructions.

Temporary or Incidental Service Provision (EU, EEA, or Switzerland)

If you want to work temporarily or incidentally in the Netherlands with a foreign professional qualification and are established in an EU member state, the EEA, or Switzerland, you can be registered in the Dutch architects' register for the duration of the service period. In such cases, we are temporarily taking over a foreign registration.

The principle of free provision of services is based on Article 5 van de EU-Directive 2005/36/EG, which concerns the recognition of professional qualifications.

There are no additional costs associated with the processing of requests for registration for temporary or incidental service provision.

Contact the Architects Register for registration as a temporary service provider based on your foreign professional qualification