Craftsmanship and awareness
in the service of society

Ensure, promote, and improve

Welcome to the website of the Architects Register. We are a public-law autonomous administrative body that implements the Dutch Architects’ Title Act (WAT). We also manage the architects register. It includes over 14,000 interior architects, architects, landscape architects, and urbanists. So when we talk about 'architect', we mean one of these professional titles.

An architect is uniquely capable of connecting past, present, future, diverse interests, and ambitions, and envisioning solutions. Solutions that are balanced, add quality, and appeal. In doing so, the architect plays an important role in safeguarding and improving the spatial quality of our living environment.

Whether you are already registered, want to register, are looking for an architect, or want information on how to become an architect; you will find all the information on this website.

Legal titles may only be used professionally by individuals who are registered in the Architects' Register.

one of the former cell wing buildings

House in one of the former cell wing buildings of the prison (WDJARCHITECTEN, photo Frank Hanswijk)


Noordsingel prison in Rotterdam; a unique complex in the history of the Dutch prison system. The release of the site created a special opportunity to add a piece of the city to the densely built Old North

The existing buildings, originally designed for specific functions, have been preserved and stripped of later additions. The original layout and architecture of the prison are thus recognizable once again. The new construction is a subtle addition to the layers of this special historical site, which is now part of urban life in the Old North and intricately connects it to its past.

source: (NL)